Do you have inadequate airflow in your dust collection system? Find out exactly how your system is performing with an airflow anaylysis from Precision Industrial Services.
A well-designed industrial dust collection systems will achieve ideal airflow and improve the process performance. However, plugged filters, ductwork modifications or even changing weather patterns can affect the airflow in your dust collection system. There are many problems that are created when the system is not generating the proper airflow.
• Too high of air velocity may decrease filter life; erode the ductwork; coat duct walls with dust in the case of moist or sticky particulates; and waste energy.
• Too low of air velocity may cause dust to drop and build up in the ductwork.
• The incorrect airflow at the capture points will not provide a safe and productive work environment by allowing potentially harmful materials in the environment.
A dust collecting system comprises a number of components, each of which must function in accordance with the original design criteria to assure maximum efficiency. A malfunction in any one part may cause the entire system to become inoperable. If you have a dust collection system that is not performing well, let Precision Industrial perform an airflow analysis to determine how best to correct the problems. Our trained technicians can do an onsite evaluation and testing of the air velocity in your ductwork to determine whether or not your system is moving the correct volume of air. Once we know exactly how your system is performing we can make recommendations to get your system back up to optimum performance.