This case study looks at a pulse jet cartridge dust collector installed at a manufacturing facility to capture welding fumes. The welding fumes are filtered through a Camfil Farr pulse jet cartridge dust collector and ventilated to the atmosphere clean and safe.
The dust collector was provided by Camfil APC. The cartridge that filters the air is a cylindrical filter with a pleated cellulose media. This style of collector filters down to a much smaller particle size then traditional baghouse collectors. This was important to the customer because welding fumes need to have a very fine filtration to get a good capture rate. The cartridges are cleaned by a blast of compressed air, which knocks the dust down into the hopper of the dust collector. The dust then falls into the collection barrels.
One of the customer’s needs for this system was to be able to have flexibility to weld in different locations. Precision Industrial installed four source capture fume extraction arms. These will allow the welders to have proper fume ventilation no matter where they weld. The fume arms have adjustable pivot points allowing them to be positioned and locked anywhere in a 10 foot radius. The installation crew field fabricated floor stands to support the fume arms. Clamp together ductwork was used for the ventilation ducting. This reduces installation time and gives the customer the flexibility to move and adjust the ductwork at any time. In the end, we were able to meet all the needs of the welders and the customer was satisfied with a complete fume ventilation system that will keep their workplace clean and safe.